About Yoga
The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj which means “to unite”. It unites the body, mind, and spirit. It unites us with one another. Yoga is something we absorb and embody throughout our lives. It’s far more than what you see on Instagram. You can practice Yoga every single day without ever stepping on a mat. But we can use our movement practice as a way to connect us to the other aspects of Yoga.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are where we learn of the Eight Limbs of Yoga which can be a guide for living life intentionally.
Yama - Restraints (External Ethics)
Ahimsa - Non-harming
Satya - Truthfulness
Asteya - Non-stealing
Brahmacharya - Moderation
Aparigraha - Non-possesiveness
Niyama - Observances (Internal Ethics)
Sauca - Cleanliness
Santosha - Contentment
Tapas - Discipline
Svadyaya -Self-Study
Isvarapranidhana - Surrender to God
Asana - Postures
Pranayama - Breath Control
Pratyahara - Withdrawal of the Senses
Dharana - Concentration
Dhyana - Meditation
Samadhi - Bliss